We have been privileged to support the diligent and talented assessment development team at NCFE to find efficient and accurate methods for producing large numbers of sample assessment materials for their T-Level developments. We helped them to fulfil their vision for working smarter and enabled them to do less formatting while dramatically increasing the consistency of their materials.
NCFE / T-Levels wave 4
Template development and training
Brand redesign, financial systems, cloud file management system and microsite for bespoke piano accompaniment recording service
Love from Luisa
Website for Brighton’s tastiest wedding cake provider www.lovefromluisa.com
Bells & Whistles
Website for event management company offering sleepover parties for children
Seedy Sunday
Website design implementation
NCFE / T-Levels wave 2 developments
Automatic formatting of sample assessment materials and document production training and guidance materials for Assessment Development teams
Babcock / Kineo
Police Training Handbooks
The Policy Practice
Key report Word templates
Intercontinental Hotel Group / Kineo
Talent Acquisition Strategy Interactive PDF
Brighton Craft Fair
Online directory
Despite a busy and competitive market, LovefromLuisa.co.uk has made its way swiftly to the top of relevant search results. We developed the website from scratch and supported the development of the content in detail. The result is an online presence which showcases Luisa’s talent and supports her ambition to be the most sustainable provider of wedding cakes in Sussex. Luisa’s breathtakingly artistic designs and stunning photography have ensured that, by far, Love from Luisa is the tastiest website we’ve made. We also supported Luisa with a cake calculator in Google Sheets so she can purchase her weekly ingredients with a minimum of fuss.
Forkid Consulting (Hungary)
Website WordPress implementation
Website development
Transfer Pricing International
Website development and content management, image research, brand assets, marketing assets
SilverRocket Brewing
Website development
Yoghurt Rooms
Website redesign, content strategy, image clearance
Nespresso / University of Applied Science in Zurich / Kineo
A suite of bespoke PowerPoint templates to enable multiple writers to produce materials to a consistent visual standard
The Oxford Group / Kineo
PowerPoint development
e-learning scoping
Beacon Scholarship
Fillable Word-based student monitoring forms
Linklaters / Kineo
Word-based, editable version of designer document
City & Guilds PIVOT / Kineo
In-house production branded document templates
BP Operational Management Systems Academy / Kineo
Content management for bespoke Learning Management System
The Complete Business Writer: Redevelopment of a suite of e-learning modules, with RE:Learn
Website for charity supporting unpaid carers.
We took an epic journey through 26 in-depth, expert-written self-service learning modules aimed at giving Nespresso colleagues an solid grounding in coffee knowledge and a university-accredited internal qualification. Our task, assigned by City & Guilds Kineo, was to edit and unify language and look-and-feel creating a series of PowerPoint builds which the heart of this pioneering learning programme.
Barclays / Kineo
Accessible PDF Documents (on behalf of) Guidance for production of accessible PDFs
Castrol GTX / BP Pricing / Kineo
“The way we work” e-learning Script writing and build using Articulate Storyline, Art direction
City & Guilds Kineo
Google Docs & Slides based research and template document creation for pitches to Google; layout, implementation, briefing
Brighton Singing Workshops
A website for a singing workshop project
Lucid Design
Website with Instagram integration for graphic / environmental designer Lucy Williams
The Modern Funeral
Content development, design and technical implementation, Social media strategy www.themodernfuneral.com
Yoghurt Rooms Wedding Services Directory
Content development, design and technical implementation, Social media strategy www.yoghurtrooms.com/wedding-services
Intro Tattoo & Piercing
Website, photography, Information architecture
Indigo Lotus Acupuncture
Identity design, website, marketing materials. www. indigolotusacupuncture.com
Website for Mezzosoprano
Barclays Bank Global Leadership Curriculum / Kineo
Formatting and unifying language in a suite of documents and guides for internal learning portal
Barclays Bank virtual classroom materials / Kineo
PowerPoint build
Lloyds Bank / Kineo
Offline version of interactive learning materials. PowerPoint build from e-learning programme
In House Production Document Templates. Analysis, development, training
ICT in ELT for Romania / Pearson Professional Development International
Trainer to two delegations of 50 English language teachers from the Romanian state education system who spent 5 days in London learning about ICT in the English language teaching classroom, online collaboration tools, smarter searching, learning networks, digital culture.
Pearson Professional Development International
Teaching and Leadership Academy Word- and PowerPoint-based training materials: Production, Page layout, Form design, Slides, Facilitator guides, Learner workbooks
City & Guilds Kineo
Word template development for client facing and internal materials production
City & Guilds Construction Qualifications
Assessor and Learner documentation: Word-based production system. Form design, Process consultation, laying foundations for document automation
Harrison Agency
Branded Word templates for clients The Chinese Room, 15 Below & Freedom Foods
Private Label Advisor
Graphic design, IA, Technical implementation, content development and content management system
BUPA / Brightwave
Systems simulation and training, information architecture
Greenworks / Brightwave
Word-based Project Management Tools for Millward Brown. Production, Page layout, Document automation
Yoghurt Rooms festival weddings
Website IA, Technical implementation IA, Briefing and managing writers, Content management, Photography, Social media strategy and implementation www.yoghurtrooms.com
Chameleon Copywriting
Technical implementation, Content management, User training
Reigate & Redhill Choral Society
Graphic design, IA, Technical implementation, Training, Content management
Harmonessence Singers
Graphic design, IA, Technical implementation, Content management, Training
Kineo and Kineo Open Source
LMS front end development, application of art direction to Moodle LMS for Britannia, BUPA, NTL telewest, Marks & Spencer, UFI, Europcar, Ontrack.
City & Guilds
MS Word-based assignment production system
Highlight 2011
Pearson PTE Academic CD ROMs

We were invited to create a pair of CD ROMs to support the delivery of Pearson Test of English in countries where internet access was at that time unreliable. We created bespoke interfaces to navigate and launch the various resources, and designed the on-body and cover art work. We also managed the print purchasing aspect.
BP Process Safety Training / Kineo
Learning materials (workbooks, facilitator guides, slideshows). Production, Page layout, Stakeholder liaison
Pearson PTE Academic Test Development Technical Manual
Production, Information design, Project management
Pearson PTE Academic English Qualifications Teacher and Test-taker CD-ROMs
Cover design, Project management, Art direction, Print purchasing Information architecture, technical implementation
YoungMinds in Schools
Website, Brand design, IA, Content management, Technical implementation, Communication design, Core script
Brighton Consulting Rooms
Website IA, Technical implementation, Content management, Photography www.brightonconsultingrooms.com
Brightwave Project Proposal Template
Document design, Template design
BP Process Safety Training / Kineo
Learning materials (workbooks, facilitator guides, slideshows) Production, Page layout, Stakeholder liaison
Policy Practice Word templates
Analysis, Production, Page layout, Stakeholder liaison
City & Guilds Business Administration qualification handbooks and Standards documents
Word-based page layout and formatting
Public Select: Public Sector Recruitment
Website CMS, Logo development, Content strategy, Content management, Social media strategy www.publicselect.co.uk
Public Select e-guides
Production, Copyediting, Page layout, Template development
Therapeutic Storywriting
Online Training Manual IA, Technical implementation, Language consultancy, Content management www.therapeuticstorywritingtraining.co.uk
Beacon Scholarship
Website www.beaconscholarship.com
SWISH Young persons’ sexual health
Website development www.swish.org.uk
Able and Willing
Website for Brighton & Hove’s social enterprise www.ableandwilling.org.uk
City Wildlife
Website for Ecology activism www.citywildlife.org.uk
Improvement and Development Agency (IDeA) / GrantRiches Communications
Research, Telephone Interviews leading to eCommunications best practice guide for local authorities
StoryLinks Online Training Manual / Centre for Therapeutic Storywriting
Learning design, IA, Technical implementation, Content management www.storylinkstraining.co.uk
Moodle user and administrator training / Kineo LMS
Point of delivery systems training to learning and development teams organisations including BOC, Ministry of Justice, ITU, HMV, BMI Healthcare, British Sugar, TUC, See a Voice, William Grant & Sons
Brighton and Hove Fostering and Adoption service
Online handbook for Foster Carers www.brightonandhovefosteringhandbook.org.uk
Edinburgh Council / Brightwave
360 degree feedback system: concept design and Information architecture
City & Guilds qualification handbooks (Retail NVQ, Cleaning NVQ, Logistics Management NVQ) Production, Page layout, Content writing
DCSF The National Strategies: Gifted and Talented e-learning / Kineo
Template creation, Production, Page layout
Moodle User Guide / Kineo Open Source
Instructional design, Content writing, Document design, Page layout
Procter & Gamble Clearblue / Brightwave
Document version of e-learning: Production, Page layout
Ministry of Justice Moodle Leadership Microsite / Kineo
Content management, Technical implementation, User training
Bertelsmann and UfI / Caspian / Kineo
Concept and script development of 3D learning games (Caspian)
Capita / Dept for Children, Schools and Families / Kineo
E-learning course authoring

Started as our family business in 2006, we have been maintaining and developing the this vast library of piano accompaniment recordings for singers. We look after all aspects of the business including customer support and business development.
City & Guilds Retail and Catering & Hospitality Resource Pack CD-ROMs
Interactive design, Project management, Art direction, IA, Print purchasing
City & Guilds International English Qualifications Centre CD-ROM
Interactive designer, Project management, Art direction, IA, Print purchasing
Kineo Free Thinking Guides & Rapid Guides
Kineo’s first ever off-the-peg knowledge products. Production, document design, layout
City & Guilds
Development of consultant booking, management & financial control system
A website for our family business providing piano accompaniments for singers
AOL / Brightwave
Personal Development Review materials: Production, Page layout
International Red Cross / Brightwave
Document version of e-learning programmes, Production, Page layout
Brightwave timesheeting and project tracking system
Development and maintenance (still in use and maintained by us)